7 strains for staying sane through summer

7 strains for staying sane through summer

Time for our midsummer Arizona temperature check: actually, no, that would require us to go outside. Triple digits are a mainstay for the next couple months, with the occasional monsoon (and haboob!) to make things interesting. But that doesn’t bother us, right native Arizonans? Beats shoveling snow, right transplanted Midwesterners?? Let’s all keep our cool and keep telling ourselves these things to get through.

Something else that can help you get through? Cannabis. We know that’s kind of our go-to answer for everything, but think about it: when the temps rise so do the stress levels, and medicating is a great way to accept the things we cannot control (the weather) and focus on things we can (creativity, fun, the side of the couch closest to the A/C). 

Here are 7 of our favorite strains to enjoy when you’re 7 inches from the midday sun.


Named for the official drink of summer brunch, this strain will provide you with seemingly bottomless energy to bounce around the day. Many a slip-n-slide world record has been attempted on Arizona lawns thanks to the fun-filled Mimosa.

Tahiti Lime

Some people claim that on a clear day, you can see the Pacific Ocean from the tops of the Phoenix metro’s highest peaks. Only one way to find out – roll up this light and refreshing strain and let the pleasant, floating feeling guide you on a sunrise mountain hike.  

Member Berry

When all you want to do is float in the pool and let your mind wander to some far-off temperate wonderland (San Diego?), the extra-fruity, hybrid Member Berry can act like the Calgon of the cannabis world

Jelly Donut

The first day of school is a big fat TBD this year, meaning the kids are still home and still wanting to play. This strain keeps your body loose, your mind sharp and your giggles flowing as you invent another new backyard game with the family.

Grim DJ OG

During the dog days of summer, even the smallest sliver of sunlight through your windows can feel like a gamma ray sent straight from Satan himself. We recommend Grim DJ OG for when you want to draw the blinds as tight as they go, find your spot on the couch and rub ice cubes across your forehead for hours.

Blue Dream

Whether you’re new to AZ summers or new to the idea of medicating, this strain is a perfectly chill welcoming mat to give you a positive first experience of both. Also great for our state’s summerin’ seniors.


If we’ve been a little negative to this point, forgive us: we just got our electric bill for the month. But really, there are so many beautiful parts about summer in the desert – the sunsets, the dry evening air, the way the heat makes anything cold that much more refreshing. Tangie gives your body the pleasant feeling it needs to stay optimistic until fall rolls in.

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