9 Ways to Show Gratitude on Thanksgiving Day

9 Ways to Show Gratitude on Thanksgiving Day

9 Ways to Show Gratitude on Thanksgiving Day | SOL

Happy Thanksgiving from Sol Flower! No matter what your celebration looks like, we can all agree that a little gratitude will go an even longer way this year. So we’ll pretend like it’s our turn at the table and share what we’re thankful for first:

We’re grateful for patients old and new, who put their trust in us as we navigated this year together. We’re grateful for a state that’s making big strides in its relationship with cannabis. We’re grateful for our employees who put their passion and knowledge on display every day to grow an industry from the ground up. And we’re grateful to you, for making Sol Flower a part of your day.

Take the opportunity to reflect on everything that’s good in your life today. Trust us, it feels good. If you need a little inspiration, try these tips for showing Thanksgiving Day gratitude:

Be an ear for gratitude: Before you share all the reasons you’re grateful, make an intention to listen to others and solicit as many stories of thankfulness as you can.

The Grateful Jar: At the beginning of your (small) gathering or virtual dinner, have every participant write one thing they’re grateful for about everyone else present. Put those slips of paper in a jar and randomly pull one out at a time to read aloud.

Stay home and stay safe: Show your family how much you care about them by not hopping on a plane and flying cross country for a multi-generational get together in a confined space. Just this once!

Volunteer virtually: If you don’t feel comfortable going to a local food bank to serve meals this year, there are always opportunities to donate needed food items or participate as a virtual volunteer to make the holidays better for everyone in your community.

Be a kitchen complement: Not in charge of the bird? Take command of the cleanup. A surefire way to make the cook grateful for the rest of the evening.

Write a Thanksgiving card: Everyone expects a Christmas card, which is why a thoughtful expression of thanks put to paper for turkey day can be such a welcome surprise in your friends’ and family’s mailboxes.

Don’t dwell on 2020: Yes, it’s an unprecedented Thanksgiving. The more you focus on what you do have this year, and not what’s amiss, the more adaptable you’ll be to roll with whatever surprises life throws at you.

Share some symptom relief: We’re all going through a little something, so help the ones you love mellow out responsibly with products and strains that make everyone grateful.

Just try the fruitcake: Come on, someone worked hard to buy that.

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