Tips From Our Experts: Every Single Thing You Need to Know About Cannabis Microdosing

Tips From Our Experts: Every Single Thing You Need to Know About Cannabis Microdosing

Cannabis Microdosing: Tips From Our Experts | Sol Flower Dispensary

Here’s everything you should know about microdosing straight from the experts at Sol Flower.

For some cannabis consumers, indulging in high-THC strains is the equivalent of climbing Mount Everest; they’ll consume them because they’re there. 
But even if you’re generally up for a challenge, stronger doesn’t always mean better.  Microdosing is the answer if you’re someone who enjoys the therapeutic benefits of cannabis with minimal psychoactivity (without feeling high). We asked our expert budtenders for their top daily microdosing tips. We’ll help you find the perfect balance between functionality and therapeutic benefits as you enjoy an enhanced daily routine.

What is Microdosing?

Let’s start with the basics; what is cannabis microdosing? 

As you might have guessed from the name, marijuana microdosing means consuming a minimal amount of cannabis and enjoying subtler effects than you would from a more significant dose.

Microdosing isn’t new. People have long explored the effects of low psychedelic doses from psilocybin (“magic” mushrooms) or LSD. But now, modern cannabis consumers are starting to realize there are many benefits to consuming very low doses of cannabis each day. 

So, to simplify our answer, cannabis microdosing is finding the lowest marijuana dosage required to reap the maximum benefit. Microdosing isn’t about getting high. It’s about leading a more relaxed, stress and pain-free lifestyle. It’s about feeling your best every single day.

How Much is a Microdose of Weed?

The most important thing to remember when starting to microdose is that the ideal dosage varies from person to person. Your body type, state of mind, and how much (and how regularly) you consume cannabis are influential factors.

However, our experts generally agree that anything under 10mg counts as a low THC dose. As with any cannabis product, though, starting low and going slow is your best bet for successful microdosing.

What Cannabis Products Can You Microdose?

So, you’re interested in microdosing weed – what products should you purchase? Here are three excellent products for microdosing, according to our expert budtenders.

  • Microdose gummies with a 20:1 CBD to THC ratio
  • Microdose edibles with French Chocolate Brownie Bites
  • Microdose coffee or any other food or drink with 10 MG THC powder

Whatever product you choose, the key is maintaining a consistently low amount of THC. Take a small dose of a THC-only product or a more significant amount of a high CBD, low THC product.

Please note: if this information is confusing, we’re always here to help. So stop by or give us a call.

How to Start Microdosing?

Got your products? Ready to go? Let’s get to microdosing. Here’s how to start your journey. 

  • Try microdosing for the first time on a day when you don’t have any obligations. Our experts recommend starting with a 2.5 MG dose.
  • Consume as minimal a dose as possible, noting how you feel.
  • Maintain that level of consumption for three days, keeping a journal or jotting down notes on your phone.
  • Increase your dose if necessary after three days. 
  • Continue in this same pattern until you’ve found your ideal dose, and stick to it! Congratulations, you’re now a microdosing pro. 

How Often to Microdose Pot?

Our experts say that when you’re microdosing cannabis, it’s best not to indulge every day because the effects may diminish over time (we don’t want you to have to take a tolerance break or “T-Break,” as the experts say). 

Try taking a day off between microdosing sessions to give yourself time to recalibrate. 

And while some people enjoy microdosing before work, our experts suggest it’s probably best to start your microdosed journey when you can take time to yourself (aka, don’t experiment on a workday).

What Are the Effects of Microdosing Cannabis?

For many enthusiastic consumers, the effects of microdosing are desirable because you can get all the benefits of cannabis without any of the potential downsides of over-consumption (like intense psychoactivity). 

With microdosing, you want to balance the benefits of THC to create a more sustainable everyday cannabis experience. That’s all there is to it. 

What are the benefits of microdosing weed?

While high THC doses may cause anxiety flair-ups, consuming psychoactive cannabis in low quantities helps people handle daily stress  (products that include THC are psychoactive. CBD-only products are non-psychoactive). Here are a few conditions that our experts say may benefit from microdosing:

  • Try microdosing for the first time on a day when you don’t have any obligations. Our experts recommend starting with a 2.5 MG dose.
  • Consume as minimal a dose as possible, noting how you feel.
  • Maintain that level of consumption for three days, keeping a journal or jotting down notes on your phone.
  • Increase your dose if necessary after three days. 
  • Continue in this same pattern until you’ve found your ideal dose, and stick to it! Congratulations, you’re now a microdosing pro. 

Here’s the TLDR; microdosing marijuana is an excellent way to tap into the therapeutic potential of cannabis without getting high. So if you’re interested in microdosing, check with your Sol Flower service provider–they’ll have excellent tips to share!

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