A Banana-based CBD smoothie you’ll go ape for

A Banana-based CBD smoothie you’ll go ape for

When it comes to bananas, we understand the appeal (we’ll be here all week!). But seriously folks, the banana is a versatile and incredibly healthy addition to your diet. What other fruit can lay claim to a starring role in both pancakes and cream pie? Anytime is banana time, and we’ve got a drink recipe that will have you enjoying them by the bunch.

Our latest Sol Flower Cafe Signature Drink is the CBD Strawberry Banana Smoothie. We’ve already waxed poetic about why we love strawberries so much, so now we’re going to come correct with some banana facts. FACT: one nanner hooks you up with over 10% your daily recommended intake of Vitamin B6, Vitamin C, Copper and Manganese. FACT: unripe bananas are full of resistant starch, which helps keep you full for longer and helps get your blood sugar under control. FACT: bananas are delicious.

If you’ve enjoyed these banana facts, then you’re really going to love our CBD smoothie. With frozen fruits for all your antioxidant delight, and Sky Wellness Relax Strawberry Banana CBD for the full-body calming effects without the head high, this drink mixes all good things into one very chilled beverage.

Don’t forget to stop by our Signature Cafe in Tempe or Sun City. If you want to start your day off feeling smooth, here’s a recipe you can blend at home:

CBD Strawberry Banana Smoothie

25 ml Sky Wellness Relax Strawberry Banana CBD
1 cup frozen banana
⅔ cup frozen strawberries
8 oz water
1 tbsp honey

Blend on high

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