Sol Flower Blog

Tag: health-and-wellness

Cannabis Dispensary located in Arizona


Your safety is still the standard at Sol Flower

Nearly a quarter of all Arizonans are fully vaccinated against Covid-19. And while that’s a breath of air as fresh as one you might inhale after taking off your mask, we’re not relaxing our health and safety efforts at Sol Flower – and we hope you’re not, either.

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Potential and progress: the story of cannabis & Alzheimer’s Disease

September is World Alzheimer’s Month, a time to raise awareness and start difficult conversations around mental health, especially when it comes to caring for loved ones affected by dementia. Nearly 6 million Americans over the age of 65 are living with Alzheimer’s today, and with the older adult population growing by the generation this number could more than double over the next few decades.

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Recycle at Sol Flower and give your planet what it really wants for Earth Day

We might be biased, but Earth is the best planet going. As far as we know, it’s the only one in our solar system that provides organic matter that can be packaged up and delivered to you for a wide variety of symptom relief. We think about our home planet a lot, and we’ve realized we need to be more thoughtful about our role in keeping it healthy. It almost doesn’t seem fair – Earth gives us cannabis flower, and we return the favor with plastic cannabis packaging.

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Sol Flower Patients | Effective Immediately

At Sol Flower, we want to do our part to help slow the spread of COVID-19 in Arizona. Out of an abundance of caution for our staff and patients, we will require a mask or face covering to be worn when visiting both the Tempe and Sun City dispensary locations.

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Talkin’ Terps: Lounge with Linalool & Melatonin on National Relaxation Day

In this life, you’re either born a relaxer or you need permission to get a little lazy every now and then. Either way, National Relaxation Day comes at a perfect time as schools get back in session (in one form or another), we extend our record run of high temps, and the world…keeps doing what the world does. But it’s all good, sweet cannababies! Today is all about taking time for your beautiful selves and embracing the zen.

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Our Favorite Fall Hikes Now That We’re on the Other Side of Summer

The cure for all your cooped-upedness is finally here. After a record-setting number of days over 100 degrees in the Valley, fall temps have decided to make their fashionable late entrance and beckon us all outside. There’s no denying the psychological pull of the great outdoors, and there’s actually surprising science behind it: getting out for a hike, or going camping, actually makes us feel more connected to other people and our fundamental need to find community.

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