Sol Flower Blog

Tag: guides

Cannabis Dispensary located in Arizona

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Talkin’ Terps: a new monthly science series

Get a whiff of this: the smell of your strain says more about the experience you can expect to have with it than any “indica/sativa” label. That’s all thanks to terpenes – oils secreted in cannabis plants that lend a unique aroma to each bud and provide nose-tingling clues about a strain’s effects.

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Talkin’ terps: Meet the spicy Beta-Caryophyllene

Beta-Caryophyllene is a bit of a rebel in the terpene world. While most other terps are out there binding to the CB1 receptors in your brain and nervous system, Beta-Caryophyllene (BCP for short) prefers to roll with the CB2 crowd in your peripheral system. It’s not here to give you a heady high, it cares only about making sure your joints feel lubed and your body feels grooved. In fact, it’s the only known terpene with the power to directly activate a cannabinoid receptor on its own.

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Talkin’ Terps: Nerding out on Nerolidol

You’re feeling very sleepy. A whiff of tree bark after a fresh rain is in the air. There are no bugs anywhere near you. Is this a dream? No, it’s Nerolidol, a fascinating little terpene that makes your strain taste like citrus and keeps pests away from people and plants.

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Last Prisoner Project Holiday Letter Drive

This year Last Prisoner Project will host it’s 2nd Annual Holiday Letter Drive and Sol Flower is excited to help. We need your help to raise awareness and ensure that LPP constituents know that we are fighting for them and that they have not been forgotten.

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